
Thursday, January 31, 2013

DIY Book Cover with Stencil

DIY Cover with Stencil

Just completed this…

It’s quite easy. Read on.

Printed stencil design

The design was drawn on the computer and printed on overhead transparencies (see next photo)

Ink jet transparencies

Cutting the stencil

Cutting the stencil. This is a laborious process so do take your time. I cut this in a few sittings, getting up in between to do something else. That works for me because when I get tired, I make mistakes.

Stencil design with acrylics

Stencilling onto the book cover. I used white acrylics paint. Again, slow is good, and keep lifting the stencil to see if you have got enough paint on the design. I used the (almost) dry brush method (as the name suggests, no water and very little paint each time I dabbed my brush onto the surface), but a foam roller will also work well.

DIY Cover with stencil

I made another 2 bits of stencil for the cup cakes above. All done!


  1. Beautiful attention to detail!
    I do love the cupcake accents! :)

  2. looks amazing... and I always enjoy the stencil cutting bit... it is oddly calming... xx

  3. Thanks Tracey. You must be very patient. It's tedious to me but I keep the end result in mind, and that helps me keep going :).
