
Thursday, January 10, 2013

DIY book cover design with text

DIY book cover design

This is a simple way to decorate a plain cover. You can personalise the design for a great gift. Here are some simple steps.

Plain book

Find a book with a plain cover. Decide on a theme for your design and list words that relates to the theme.

Text layout

For this design, I laid out the text on my computer to work out the composition and fonts (if you haven’t got access to an application to do that, just use pen or pencil to sketch it out on a rough paper).

DIY Book Cover Design

Sketch the design lightly with pencil on the cover, and paint some words white.

White acrylics paint

I used acrylics paint. When the paint is dry, outline all the text with pen.
Note: wait for the paint to dry or your pen/s will be wrecked.

Black pigment ink pens

I like to use a variety of pens with different thickness and shades. You may decide to use only a single pen or use coloured pens.

DIY Book Cover Design

This is roughly where we are up to. There are a lot of gaps to fill in.

Text layout

Back to the computer – make a list of other words related to your theme in smaller font sizes, and print.

DIY book cover design

Cut and lay your words on the design, then glue them permanently.

DIY book cover design

I added some red and it was done. You may want to add other colours.

DIY book cover design

I put’s logo on the back of the book. Don’t forget to sign your name.


  1. Lovely! Thank you for explaining how you did it!

    1. Thanks for leaving a comment Maryann. It's a pleasure to share :D.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. Omg I was looking for this one like crazy!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. Omg I was looking for this one like crazy!
